We frail humans are at one time capable of the greatest good and, at the same time, capable of the greatest evil. Change will only come about when each of us takes up the daily struggle ourselves to be more forgiving, compassionate, loving, and above all joyful in the knowledge that, by some miracle of grace, we can change as those around us can change too.
~Maíread Maguire
War would end if the dead could return.
~Stanley Baldwin
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind...War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.
~ John F. Kennedy
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
war propaganda
There is no telling how many wars it will take to secure freedom in the homeland.
~ George W. Bush(1946- ) 43rd US President: Source: In a speech on August 7, 2002
~ George W. Bush(1946- ) 43rd US President: Source: In a speech on August 7, 2002
The war made possible for us the solution of a whole series of problems that could never have been solved in normal times.
~ Joseph Paul Goebbels (1897-1945) Nazi Propaganda Minister in: The Göebbels Diaries, 1942-1943
~ Joseph Paul Goebbels (1897-1945) Nazi Propaganda Minister in: The Göebbels Diaries, 1942-1943
All our political forms are exhausted and practically nonexistent. Our parliamentary and electoral system and our political parties are just as futile as dictatorships are intolerable. Nothing is left. And this nothing is increasingly aggressive, totalitarian, and omnipresent. Our experience today is the strange one of empty political institutions in which no one has any confidence any more, of a system of government which functions only in the interests of a political class, and at the same time of the almost infinite growth of power, authority, and social control which makes any one of our democracies a more authoritarian mechanism than the Napoleonic state.
~ Jacques Ellul
~ Jacques Ellul
Friday, April 24, 2015
Suffering and joy teach us, if we allow them, how to make the leap of empathy, which transports us into the soul and heart of another person. ln those transparent moments we know other people's joys and sorrows, and we care about their concerns as if they were our own.
~ Fritz Williams
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.
~ Samuel Johnson
~ Fritz Williams
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.
~ Samuel Johnson
...when we finally know we are dying, and all other sentient beings are dying with us, we start to have a burning, almost heartbreaking sense of the fragility and preciousness of each moment and each being, and from this can grow a deep, clear, limitless compassion for all beings.
~ Sogyal Rinpoche
He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
~ William Shakespeare
~ Sogyal Rinpoche
He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
~ William Shakespeare
Thursday, April 23, 2015
the freedom to think and speak
We are reluctant to admit that we owe our liberties to men of a type that today we hate and fear -- unruly men, disturbers of the peace, men who resent and denounce what Whitman called 'the insolence of elected persons' -- in a word, free men.
~ Gerald W. Johnson - (1890-1980) Source: American Freedom and the Press, 1958
~ Gerald W. Johnson - (1890-1980) Source: American Freedom and the Press, 1958
And I honor the man who is willing to sink half his present repute for the freedom to think, and, when he has thought, be his cause strong or weak, Will risk t' other half for the freedom to speak.
~James Russell Lowell: - (1819-1891) Poet and author Source: A Fable for Critics, 1848
~James Russell Lowell: - (1819-1891) Poet and author Source: A Fable for Critics, 1848
This is, in theory, still a free country, but our politically correct, censorious times are such that many of us tremble to give vent to perfectly acceptable views for fear of condemnation. Freedom of speech is thereby imperiled, big questions go undebated, and great lies become accepted, unequivocally as great truths.
~ Simon Heffer Source: Daily Mail, 7 June 2000
~ Simon Heffer Source: Daily Mail, 7 June 2000
An unconditional right to say what one pleases about public affairs is what I consider to be the minimum guarantee of the First Amendment.
~ Justice Hugo L. Black: (1886-1971) US Supreme Court Justice Source: NY Times Company vs. Sullivan, 1964
~ Justice Hugo L. Black: (1886-1971) US Supreme Court Justice Source: NY Times Company vs. Sullivan, 1964
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
war is barbarous and will not resolve conflicts
Pope John Paul II: "We can enrich our common heritage with a very simple
discovery that is within our reach, namely that war is the most barbarous
and least effective way of resolving conflicts."
discovery that is within our reach, namely that war is the most barbarous
and least effective way of resolving conflicts."
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
leaders & war
A tyrant... is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.
~ Plato - (429-347 BC), Source: The Republic
~ Plato - (429-347 BC), Source: The Republic
Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains. ~ Herbert Hoover (1874-1964), 31st US President
Monday, April 20, 2015
peace & poverty
Peace, in the sense of the absence of war, is of little value to someone who is dying of hunger or cold. It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. It does not comfort those who have lost their loved ones in floods caused by senseless deforestation in a neighboring country. Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free. ~ HH the Dalai Lama
Sunday, April 19, 2015
freedom & laws
Tolerance is a better guarantee of freedom than brotherly love; for a man may love his brother so much that he feels himself thereby appointed his brother's keeper.
~ Everett Dean Martin - (1880-1941) Source: Liberty, 1930
~ Everett Dean Martin - (1880-1941) Source: Liberty, 1930
Free government is founded in jealousy, not confidence. It is jealousy and not confidence which prescribes limited constitutions, to bind those we are obliged to trust with power.... In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1799
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1799
If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too.
~Somerset Maugham
~Somerset Maugham
A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self- preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property, and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means.
~Thomas Jefferson to John Colvin, 1810
~Thomas Jefferson to John Colvin, 1810
Saturday, April 18, 2015
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
~ H.L. Mencken 1880-1956 American journalist, satarist, social critic, anti-establishment figure, considered by scholars as one of America's greatest writers, known as 'The Sage of Baltimore.'
~ H.L. Mencken 1880-1956 American journalist, satarist, social critic, anti-establishment figure, considered by scholars as one of America's greatest writers, known as 'The Sage of Baltimore.'
Friday, April 17, 2015
laws & leaders
The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule
~ H. L. Mencken
It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost.
~ Murray N. Rothbard
~ H. L. Mencken
It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost.
~ Murray N. Rothbard
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.
~ Ayn Rand in "The Nature of Government"
~ Ayn Rand in "The Nature of Government"
The American government creates 50,000 new laws each year, and over 2 million new regulations. Then we are told by the courts that 'Ignorance of the law is no excuse!
~ Lorne Strider
~ Lorne Strider
Thursday, April 16, 2015
cluster bombs
"A U.S. government official told reporters in Geneva last week that the Bush administration opposes a global agreement that would ban cluster bombs. State Department officials have also told Congress they oppose legislation that would ban the use of cluster bombs in or near civilian areas. If the administration refuses to act, Congress should act by passing the Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act."
~ Lora Lumpe, FCNL Legislative Representative
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
I hate it when they say, 'He gave his life for his country.' Nobody gives their life for anything. We steal the lives of these kids. We take it away from them. They don't die for the honor and glory of their country. We kill them."
~Admiral Gene LaRocque
~Admiral Gene LaRocque
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundnce of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.
~Franklin Delano Roosevelt
~Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Cowardice asks the question - is it safe? Expediency asks the question - is it politic? Vanity asks the question - is it popular? But conscience asks the question - is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right.
~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them. There is almost no kind of outrage-----torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians .. . which does not change its moral color when it is committed by 'our' side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
~George Orwell
~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them. There is almost no kind of outrage-----torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians .. . which does not change its moral color when it is committed by 'our' side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
~George Orwell
Monday, April 13, 2015
freedom & government
These things I believe: That government should butt out. That freedom is our most precious commodity and if we are not eternally vigilant government will take it all away. That individual freedom demands individual responsibility. That government is not a necessary good but an unavoidable evil. That the executive branch has grown too strong, the judicial branch too arrogant and the legislative branch too stupid. That political parties have become close to meaningless. That government should work to insure the rights of the individual, not plot to take them away. That government should provide for the national defense and work to insure domestic tranquillity. That foreign trade should be fair rather than free. That once a year we should hang someone in government as an example to his fellows.
~Lyn Nofziger
Sunday, April 12, 2015
They are torturing people. They are torturing people on Guantanamo Bay. They are engaging in acts which amount to torture in the medieval sense of the phrase. They are engaging in good old-fashioned torture, as people would have understood it in the Dark Ages.
~ Richard Bourke, Australian attorney
~ Richard Bourke, Australian attorney
[torture] presupposes, it requires, it craves the abrogation of our capacity to imagine others' suffering, dehumanizing them so much that their pain is not our pain. It demands this of the torturer, placing the victim outside and beyond any form of compassion or empathy, but also demands of everyone else the same distancing, the same numbness.
~ Ariel Dorfman [from his book "Torture: A Collection"]
Modern man likes to pretend that his thinking is wide-awake. But this wide-awake thinking has led us into the mazes of a nightmare in which the torture chambers are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of reason.
~ Octavio Paz quotes
~ Octavio Paz quotes
The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their 'vital interests' are menaced, and think nothing of torturing a man to death: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the 'sanctity' of human life, or the 'conscience' of the civilized world.
~ James Baldwin [From chapter one of "The Devil Finds Work" (orig. pub. 1976), page 489 of Collected Essays
~ James Baldwin [From chapter one of "The Devil Finds Work" (orig. pub. 1976), page 489 of Collected Essays
What the world needs is not dogma but an attitude of scientific inquiry combined with a belief that the torture of millions is not desirable, whether inflicted by Stalin or by a Deity imagined in the likeness of the believer.
~ Bertrand Russell
~ Bertrand Russell
The healthy man does not torture others."
~ Carl Gustav Jung
~ Carl Gustav Jung
We don't torture people in America and people who say we do simply know nothing about our country.
~ George W. Bush [Interview with Australian TV - October 18, 2003]
~ George W. Bush [Interview with Australian TV - October 18, 2003]
Those who torture, or allow or recommend it, make the greatest liars.
~ Sebastian L. Muccilli, Embarrassed U.S. Citizen
~ Sebastian L. Muccilli, Embarrassed U.S. Citizen
Saturday, April 11, 2015
war & peace
"I BELIEVE that God wants me to be president." George W. Bush
"I would like to thank Providence and the Almighty for choosing me of all people to be allowed to wage this battle for Germany," Adolf Hitler - Berlin March, 1936
"I would like to thank Providence and the Almighty for choosing me of all people to be allowed to wage this battle for Germany," Adolf Hitler - Berlin March, 1936
God is not on the side of any nation, yet we know He is on the side of justice. Our finest moments [as a nation] have come when we faithfully served the cause of justice for our own citizens, and for the people of other lands: George W. Bush
If we pursue this way, if we are decent, industrious, and honest, if we so loyally and truly fulfill our duty, then it is my conviction that in the future as in the past the lord God will always help us:
Adolf Hitler, at the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival on the Buckeburg held on 3 Oct. 1937
If we pursue this way, if we are decent, industrious, and honest, if we so loyally and truly fulfill our duty, then it is my conviction that in the future as in the past the lord God will always help us:
Adolf Hitler, at the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival on the Buckeburg held on 3 Oct. 1937
"freedom and fear, justice and cruelty have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between them." George W. Bush
"Never in these long years have we offered any other prayer but this: Lord, grant to our people peace at home, and grant and preserve to them peace from the foreign foe!" : Adolf Hitler - Nuremberg Sept. 13, 1936.
Friday, April 10, 2015
civil obedience
Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running and robbing the country. That's our problem.
~ Howard Zinn, from Failure to Quit
Thursday, April 9, 2015
justice & truth
Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills?
~ Kahlil Gibran
~ Kahlil Gibran
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.
~ Mohandas Gandhi
~ Mohandas Gandhi
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
heroic labor of peace
I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election... It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States!
~ George W. Malone (1890-1961) U.S. Senator (Nevada) 1957 - Source: speaking before Congress
~ George W. Malone (1890-1961) U.S. Senator (Nevada) 1957 - Source: speaking before Congress
Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.
~Thomas Merton
~Thomas Merton
A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he'll never crow. I have seen the light and I'm crowing.
~ Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.)
~ Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
my country
When shall it be said in any country of the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance or distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want, the taxes not oppressive; the rational world is my friend because I am friend of its happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast of its constitution and government . ~ Thomas Paine
Monday, April 6, 2015
saying no to war
If it were proved to me that in making war, my ideal had a chance of being realized, I would still say "No" to war. For one does not create human society on mounds of corpses.
~ Louis Lecoin - French pacifist leader
Sunday, April 5, 2015
a free press
Paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell.
~ Hugo Black
~ Hugo Black
Saturday, April 4, 2015
The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that `if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.' it is a very serious consideration...that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event. ~ Samuel Adams, speech in Boston, 1771.
I am done with great things and big things, great institutions and big success, and I am for those tiny invisible molecular moral forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which if you give them time, will rend the hardest monuments of man's pride. ~ William James
The evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people. ~ Frank Kent
Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. ~ Thomas Paine
Friday, April 3, 2015
the nationalist
To save your world you asked this man to die; Would this man, could he see you now, ask why? ~ W. H. Auden: "Epitaph for an Unknown Soldier"
Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them. There is almost no kind of outrage-----torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians-----which does not change its moral color when it is committed by 'our' side. ...The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them. ~ George Orwell
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundnce of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. ~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Thursday, April 2, 2015
what is morally wrong can never be advantageous
We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace.
~ George W. Bush UN Speech Sept 2004
~ George W. Bush UN Speech Sept 2004
Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose -- and you allow him to make war at pleasure. If today, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, 'I see no probability of the British invading us' but he will say to you, 'Be silent; I see it, if you don't.'
~ Abraham Lincoln
~ Abraham Lincoln
So let us regard this as settled: what is morally wrong can never be advantageous, even when it enables you to make some gain that you believe to be to your advantage. The mere act of believing that some wrongful course of action constitutes an advantage is pernicious.
~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)
~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
war & patriotism
Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.
~ Ernest Hemingway
~ Ernest Hemingway
How many does it take to metamorphose wickedness into righteousness? One man must not kill. If he does, it is murder.... But a state or nation may kill as many as they please, and it is not murder. It is just, necessary, commendable, and right. Only get people enough to agree to it, and the butchery of myriads of human beings is perfectly innocent. But how many does it take?
~ Adin Ballou, The Non-Resistant, 5 February 1845
~ Adin Ballou, The Non-Resistant, 5 February 1845
There have been periods of history in which episodes of terrible violence occurred but for which the word violence was never used.... Violence is shrouded in justifying myths that lend it moral legitimacy, and these myths for the most part kept people from recognizing the violence for what it was. The people who burned witches at the stake never for one moment thought of their act as violence; rather they thought of it as an act of divinely mandated righteousness. The same can be said of most of the violence we humans have ever committed.
~ Gil Bailie
~ Gil Bailie
Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace.
~ Charles Sumner
~ Charles Sumner
Our country is the world, our countrymen are all mankind. We love the land of our nativity, only as we love all other lands. The interests, rights, and liberties of American citizens are no more dear to us than are those of the whole human race. Hence we can allow no appeal to patriotism, to revenge any national insult or injury.
~ William Lloyd Garrison, Declaration of Sentiments, Boston Peace Conference, 1838
~ William Lloyd Garrison, Declaration of Sentiments, Boston Peace Conference, 1838
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
When shall it be said in any country of the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance or distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want, the taxes not oppressive; the rational world is my friend because I am a friend of its happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast of its constitution and government .
~ Thomas Paine
~ Thomas Paine
Monday, March 30, 2015
the violence of war
The civility of no race can be perfect whilst another race is degraded. It is a doctrine alike of the oldest and of the newest philosophy, that man is one, and that you cannot injure any member, without a sympathetic injury to all the members.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1844
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1844
I sat there in agony thinking about all that had led me to this private hell. My idealism, my patriotism, my ambition, my plans to be a good intelligence officer to help my country fight the communist scourge - what in the hell had happened? Why did we have to bomb the people we were trying to save? Why were we napalming young children? Why did the CIA, my employer for 16 years, report lies instead of the truth?
I hated my part in the charade of murder and horror. My efforts were contributing to the deaths, to the burning alive of children - especially the children. The photographs of young Vietnamese children burned by napalm destroyed me.
~ Ralph McGehee former CIA intelligence analyst
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher- ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
~ General Smedley Butler. USMC (Ret.)
~ Ralph McGehee former CIA intelligence analyst
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher- ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
~ General Smedley Butler. USMC (Ret.)
Until we go through it ourselves, until our people cower in the shelters of New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles and elsewhere while the buildings collapse overhead and burst into flames, and dead bodies hurtle about and, when it is over for the day or the night, emerge in the rubble to find some of their dear ones mangled, their homes gone, their hospitals, churches, schools demolished - only after that gruesome experience will we realize what we are inflicting on the people of Indochina...
~ William Shirer author 1973
~ William Shirer author 1973
Nothing is enough for the person to whom enough is too little.
~ Max Lucado in Grace for the Moment
~ Max Lucado in Grace for the Moment
Sunday, March 29, 2015
The civility of no race can be perfect whilst another race is degraded. It is a doctrine alike of the oldest and of the newest philosophy, that man is one, and that you cannot injure any member, without a sympathetic injury to all the members.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1844
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1844
Saturday, March 28, 2015
There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people for a purpose which is unattainable.
~ Howard Zinn, U.S. historian
~ Howard Zinn, U.S. historian
It is never right to do wrong or to requite wrong with wrong, or when we suffer evil to defend ourselves by doing evil in return.
~ Socrates, 469 - 399 BC
~ Socrates, 469 - 399 BC
The voice of protest, of warning, of appeal is never more needed than when the clamor of fife and drum, echoed by the press and too often by the pulpit, is bidding all men fall in and keep step and obey in silence the tyrannous word of command. Then, more than ever, it is the duty of the good citizen not to be silent.
~ Charles Eliot Norton
~ Charles Eliot Norton
He who dares not offend cannot be honest.
~ Thomas Paine
~ Thomas Paine
To change masters is not to be free.
~ Jose Marti y Perez
~ Jose Marti y Perez
Friday, March 27, 2015
believing what is true
Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.
~ Buddha - Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta
~ Buddha - Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta
Thursday, March 26, 2015
As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.
~ U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 - (letter to Col. William F. Elkins) - Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer H. Shaw (Macmillan, 1950, NY)
~ U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 - (letter to Col. William F. Elkins) - Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer H. Shaw (Macmillan, 1950, NY)
They (corporations) cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed, nor excommunicated, for they have no souls.
~ Lord Edward Coke
~ Lord Edward Coke
"criminal," n. A person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation.
~ Howard Scott
~ Howard Scott
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
civilians killed in war
The institutions founded "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war" have failed. Since the end of World War II, some thirty million people have been killed in armed conflict. Most of them were civilians.
~ George Monbiot's "The Age of Consent"
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The state has, in order to control us, introduced division into our thinking, so that we come to distrust others and look to the state for protection! But the roots of our individualism remind us that what we are is inseparable from the source from which all others derive; that coercive practices that threaten our neighbor also threaten us.
~ Butler Shaffer
~ Butler Shaffer
The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.
~ Aldous Huxley
~ Aldous Huxley
Because we fear the responsibility for our actions, we have allowed ourselves to develop the mentality of slaves. Contrary to the stirring sentiments of the Declaration of Independence, we now pledge "our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor" not to one another for our mutual protection, but to the state, whose actions continue to exploit, despoil, and destroy us.
~ Butler D. Shaffer
~ Butler D. Shaffer
Monday, March 23, 2015
enough & patriotism
Nothing is enough for the person to whom enough is too little.
~ Max Lucado in Grace for the Moment
Patriotism: The last refuge of a scoundrel.
~ Samuel Johnson; definition in his dictionary published in the 18th century
~ Max Lucado in Grace for the Moment
Patriotism: The last refuge of a scoundrel.
~ Samuel Johnson; definition in his dictionary published in the 18th century
Sunday, March 22, 2015
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
~ Edward R. Murrow
~ Edward R. Murrow
I like paying taxes. With them I buy civilization.
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, SC Justice
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, SC Justice
This is an impressive crowd: the Have's and Have-more's. Some people call you the elites. I call you my base.
~ George W. Bush
~ George W. Bush
The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all.
~ G. K. Chesterton
~ G. K. Chesterton
The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the U.S. Air Force F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technologies to flourish is called the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.
~ Thomas Friedman
~ Thomas Friedman
Every 10 years or so, the US needs to pick up some small, crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business."
~ Michael Ledeen
~ Michael Ledeen
Saturday, March 21, 2015
the poor
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.
~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Second Inaugural Address, Washington, D.C., January 20, 1937.
~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Second Inaugural Address, Washington, D.C., January 20, 1937.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Each candidate behaved well in the hope of being judged worthy of election. However, this system was disastrous when the city had become corrupt. For then it was not the most virtuous but the most powerful who stood for election, and the weak, even if virtuous, were too frightened to run for office. ~ Niccolo Machiavelli (Italian writer and statesman; Florentine patriot, author of 'The Prince')
An election cannot give a country a firm sense of direction if it has two or more national parties which merely have different names but are as alike in their principles and aims as two peas in the same pod. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt (American 32nd US President,1933-45, cousin of Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US president,1882-1945)
If the United States of America or Britain is having elections, they don't ask for observers from Africa or from Asia. But when we have elections, they want observers. ~ Nelson Mandela (South African Statesman; First democratically elected State President of South Africa (1994), 1993 Nobel Prize for Peace, b.1918)
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. ~ Franklin Pierce Adams (American Journalist, Columnist and Translator, (1881-1960)
Win or lose, we go shopping after the election. ~ Imelda Marcos
Thursday, March 19, 2015
money, again
You don't put robbers to work in a bank.
~ American Proverb
~ American Proverb
The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
I hate banks. They do nothing positive for anybody except take care of themselves. They're first in with their fees and first out when there's trouble.
~ Earl Warren (American Republican Governor of California and Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1891-1974)
~ Earl Warren (American Republican Governor of California and Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1891-1974)
The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor.
~ Helen Keller
A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
~ Forest E. Witcraft
~ Helen Keller
A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
~ Forest E. Witcraft
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
power, money & war
All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of humankind.
~ Adam Smith - The Wealth Of Nations
~ Adam Smith - The Wealth Of Nations
When troubles come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.
~ Shakespeare (1564-1616)
~ Shakespeare (1564-1616)
The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power."
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US president
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US president
Our economy is facing a moment of great challenge. ... We're in the midst of a serious financial crisis.
~ George W. Bush, September 24, 2008
~ George W. Bush, September 24, 2008
No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority.
~ Thomas Jefferson: American 3rd US President (1801-09).
~ Thomas Jefferson: American 3rd US President (1801-09).
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
seeing the truth
To preserve their [the people's] independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our selection between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude.
~ Thomas Jefferson
~ Thomas Jefferson
When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do. ~ William Blake
The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles.
~ Mahatma Gandhi: Indian leader, 1869-1948
The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles.
~ Mahatma Gandhi: Indian leader, 1869-1948
We kill at every step, not only in wars, riots, and executions. We kill when we close our eyes to poverty, suffering, and shame. In the same way all disrespect for life, all hard-heartedness, all indifference, all contempt is nothing else than killing. With just a little witty skepticism we can kill a good deal of the future in a young person. Life is waiting everywhere, the future is flowering everywhere, but we only see a small part of it and step on much of it with our feet.
~ Hermann Hesse, German poet and novelist.
~ Hermann Hesse, German poet and novelist.
Monday, March 16, 2015
american freedom
We never see the smoke and the fire, we never smell the blood, we never see the terror in the eyes of the children, whose nightmares will now feature screaming missiles from unseen terrorists, known only as Americans.
~Martin Kelly
~Martin Kelly
They tell us that we live in a great free republic; that our institutions are democratic; that we are a free and self-governing people. That is too much, even for a joke. ... Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder... And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles.
~Eugene Victor Debs
Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that The State has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied.
~Arthur Miller, playwright
~Eugene Victor Debs
Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that The State has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied.
~Arthur Miller, playwright
For most Americans the Constitution had become a hazy document, cited like the Bible on ceremonial occasions but forgotten in the daily transactions of life.
~Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. - (1888-1965)
~Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. - (1888-1965)
Sunday, March 15, 2015
It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
~ Robert F. Kennedy, US Attorney General 1961-64; assasinated while campaigning for the presidency
~ Robert F. Kennedy, US Attorney General 1961-64; assasinated while campaigning for the presidency
If it were proved to me that in making war, my ideal had a chance of being realized, I would still say "No" to war. For one does not create human society on mounds of corpses. ~ Louis Lecoin - French pacifist leader
Saturday, March 14, 2015
In the struggle of Good against Evil, it's always the people who get killed.
~ Eduardo Galeano
Another nation is made out to be utterly depraved and fiendish, while one's own nation stands for everything that is good and noble. Every action of the enemy is judged by one standard - every action of oneself by another. Even good deeds by the enemy are considered a sign of particular devilishness, meant to deceive us and the world, while our bad deeds are necessary and justified by our noble goals, which they serve.
~ Eric Fromm
~ Eduardo Galeano
Another nation is made out to be utterly depraved and fiendish, while one's own nation stands for everything that is good and noble. Every action of the enemy is judged by one standard - every action of oneself by another. Even good deeds by the enemy are considered a sign of particular devilishness, meant to deceive us and the world, while our bad deeds are necessary and justified by our noble goals, which they serve.
~ Eric Fromm
Friday, March 13, 2015
People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster.
~ James Baldwin Biography - Fiction Writer, Essayist, Social Critic, 1924-1987
~ James Baldwin Biography - Fiction Writer, Essayist, Social Critic, 1924-1987
... The greatest bulwark of capitalism is militarism.
~ Emma Goldman Biography - Anarchist, Feminist, Labor Advocate, 1869-1940
~ Emma Goldman Biography - Anarchist, Feminist, Labor Advocate, 1869-1940
It's amazing how people can get so excited about a rocket to the moon and not give a damn about smog, oil leaks, the devastation of the environment with pesticides, hunger, disease. When the poor share some of the power that the affluent now monopolize, we will give a damn.
~ Cesar Estrada Chavez Biography - Farm Workers' Union Founder, Human Rights Activist
~ Cesar Estrada Chavez Biography - Farm Workers' Union Founder, Human Rights Activist
Thursday, March 12, 2015
The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their "vital interests" are menaced, and think nothing of torturing a man to death: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the "sanctity" of human life, or the "conscience" of the civilized world.
~ James Baldwin - Source: page 489 of COLLECTED ESSAYS (1998), from chapter one of "The Devil Finds Work" (orig. pub. 1976)
~ James Baldwin - Source: page 489 of COLLECTED ESSAYS (1998), from chapter one of "The Devil Finds Work" (orig. pub. 1976)
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
The first time it was reported that our friends were being butchered there was a cry of horror. Then a hundred were butchered. But when a thousand were butchered and there was no end to the butchery, a blanket of silence spread. When evil doing comes like falling rain, nobody calls out 'stop!' When crimes begin to pile up they become invisible. When sufferings become unendurable, the cries are no longer heard. The cries, too, fall like rain in summer. ~ Bertolt Brecht
The Second Treatise of Civil Government 1690: That the aggressor, who puts himself into the state of war with another, and unjustly invades another man's right, can, by such an unjust war, never come to have a right over the conquered, will be easily agreed by all, who will not think that robbers and pirates have a right of empire over whomsoever they have force enough to master, or that men are bound by promises which unlawful force extorts from them. Should a robber break into my house, and, with a dagger at my throat, make me seal deeds to convey my estate to him, would this give him any title? Just such a title by his sword has an unjust conqueror who forces me into submission. The injury and the crime is equal, whether committed by the wearer of a crown or some petty villain. The title of the offender and the number of his followers make no difference in the offence, unless it be to aggravate it. The only difference is, great robbers punish little ones to keep them in their obedience; but the great ones are rewarded with laurels and triumphs, because they are too big for the weak hands of justice in this world, and have the power in their own possession which should punish offenders. ~ John Locke - 1632-1704 - http://www.constitution.org/jl/2ndtreat.htm
Simple logic says that we must go to the roots of terror. Only a fool can believe that the services of a suicidal terrorist can be purchased, or that they can be bred at will anywhere. ~ Ouch Borith, Permanent Representative of The Kingdom of Cambodia to The UN: 10/03/2001
Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. ~ Frederick Douglass
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
truth & integrity
It is easier to find a score of men and women wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition to stand up for it. ~ A. A. Hodge
The essence of immorality is the tendency to make an exception of myself. ~ Jane Addams
The state has, in order to control us, introduced division into our thinking, so that we come to distrust others and look to the state for protection! But the roots of our individualism remind us that what we are is inseparable from the source from which all others derive; that coercive practices that threaten our neighbor also threaten us. ~Butler Shaffer
I am done with great things and big things, great institutions and big success, and I am for those tiny invisible molecular moral forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which if you give them time, will rend the hardest monuments of man's pride. ~ William James
Monday, March 9, 2015
war, service & love
If they do it, it’s terrorism, if we do it, it’s fighting for freedom. ~ Anthony Quainton, U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua, 1984 – Anthony Quainton – Source: Off the record response of the Ambassador to a group of concerned U.S. citizens when asked to explain the difference between U.S. government actions in Nicaragua and the violence it condemns as terrorism elsewhere in the world.
The aim of military training is not just to prepare men for battle, but to make them long for it. ~ Louis Simpson
I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. Some of these young men think that war is all glory but let me say war is all hell. ~ William Tecumseh Sherman.
The greatest spiritual practise is to transform love into service. ~ Sai Baba
Sunday, March 8, 2015
evil, ignorance & war
The evil that is in the world always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they lack understanding. On the whole, men are more good than bad; that, however, isn’t the real point. But they are more or less ignorant, and it is that we call vice or virtue; the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill. ~ Albert Camus: The Plague, Modern Library Edition, p. 120
War creates peace like hate creates love. ~ David L. Wilson
During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism. ~ Howard Thurman
Saturday, March 7, 2015
freedom, truth & courage
If “freedom” means purely and simply an uncontrolled power to make money in every possible way, regardless of consequences, then freedom becomes synonymous with ruthless, mindless and absolute exploitation… The psychological root of it is doubtless in the profound dehumanization and alienation of modern Western man, who has gradually come to mistake the artificial value of inert objects and abstractions (goods, money, property) for the power of life itself, and who is willing to place immediate profit above everything else. Money is more important, more alive than life, including the lfe and happiness of his closest and most intimate companions. This he can always justify by a legalistic ethic or a casuistical formula of some sort, but his formulas themselves betray him and eventually lose even the meaning which has been arbitrarily forced upon them. ~Thomas Merton, re-excerpted & edited from an article that appeared in the Catholic World, December 2008; excerpted originally in the CW, June 1968
The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world. ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918- ) Russian writer, Soviet dissident, imprisoned 8 years for critizing Stalin in a personal letter, Nobel Prize for Lit., 1970
Friday, March 6, 2015
Anyone who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust. ~ Thomas Aquinas
I don’t know a more irreligious attitude, one more utterly bankrupt of any human content, than one which permits children to be destroyed. ~ Daniel Berrigan
I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have: three meals a day for their bodies – education and culture for their minds – and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
american war
American strategists have calculated the proportion of civilians killed in this century’s major wars. In the First World War 5 per cent of those killed were civilians, in the Second World War 48 per cent, while in a Third World War 90-95 per cent would be civilians.
~ Colin Ward, Anarchy in Action
~ Colin Ward, Anarchy in Action
What a stupendous, what an incomprehensible machine is man! Who can endure toil, famine, stripes, imprisonment & death itself in vindication of his own liberty, and the next moment … inflict on his fellow men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to oppose.
~ Thomas Jefferson
~ Thomas Jefferson
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
the aim of torture
The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their ‘vital interests’ are menaced, and think nothing of torturing a man to death: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the ‘sanctity’ of human life, or the ‘conscience’ of the civilized world.
~ James Baldwin
~ James Baldwin
The aim of torture is to destroy a person as a human being, to destroy their identity and soul. It is more evil than murder…
~ Inge Genefke – (1938-) Danish Doctor & Human Rights Activist
~ Inge Genefke – (1938-) Danish Doctor & Human Rights Activist
Modern man likes to pretend that his thinking is wide-awake. But this wide-awake thinking has led us into the mazes of a nightmare in which the torture chambers are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of reason.
~ Octavio Paz (Mexican poet, writer, and diplomat, 1914-1998)
Torture is banned but in two-thirds of the world’s countries it is still being committed in secret. Too many governments still allow wrongful imprisonment, murder or “disappearance” to be carried out by their officials with impunity.~ Octavio Paz (Mexican poet, writer, and diplomat, 1914-1998)
~ Peter Benenson – (1921-2005) – Founder of Amnesty International
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
honesty & freedom
thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country who rob the people on the one hand, and rob and debase the government on the other; and then with their pockets and wallets stuffed with the filthy, bloodstained profits of war, wrap the sacred folds of the Stars and Stripes about them and [about] their blatant hypocrisy to the world.
~ Kate Richards O’Hare’s Address To the Court Proceedings on the Sentencing of Mrs. Kate Richards O’Hare by Hon Martin J. Wade, 1 P. M., Friday, Dec 14, 1917.
~ Kate Richards O’Hare’s Address To the Court Proceedings on the Sentencing of Mrs. Kate Richards O’Hare by Hon Martin J. Wade, 1 P. M., Friday, Dec 14, 1917.
Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking; where it is absent, discussion is apt to become worse than useless.
~ Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi – (1828-1910) Russian writer; Source: On Life and Essays on Religion
~ Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi – (1828-1910) Russian writer; Source: On Life and Essays on Religion
Free inquiry requires that we tolerate diversity of opinion and that we respect the right of individuals to express their beliefs, however unpopular they may be, without social or legal prohibition or fear of success.
~ Paul Kurtz; Source: A Secular Humanist Declaration, in On The Barricades, 1989
~ Paul Kurtz; Source: A Secular Humanist Declaration, in On The Barricades, 1989
This is, in theory, still a free country, but our politically correct, censorious times are such that many of us tremble to give vent to perfectly acceptable views for fear of condemnation. Freedom of speech is thereby imperiled, big questions go undebated, and great lies become accepted, unequivocally as great truths.
~ Simon Heffer; Source: Daily Mail, 7 June 2000
~ Simon Heffer; Source: Daily Mail, 7 June 2000
When people who are honestly mistaken learn the truth, they will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest! : Anonymous
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